Poole Harbour Commissioners (PHC) has approved its updated Masterplan, first published in March 2013.

PHC’s Board of Commissioners has identified the following vision and strategic outcomes over the next 20 years:

  • Be the UK’s Number One Marine Leisure Location
  • Become a Leading Green Port
  • Maximise the Port Estate Potential
  • Promote opportunities from our deepwater facility ‘South Quay’
  • Optimise RoRo Ferry Potential

This document outlines PHC’s vision for the sustainable management, conservation and development of the Harbour and Port for the next 20 years and beyond. This comes after  consultation with stakeholders on the vision and strategy for the Port and Harbour.

This update features a Marine Centre Regeneration Project to the South of Poole Quay Boat Haven providing additional berths, including visitor berths, a new Environmental Awareness Centre, support for local marine businesses, amongst other benefits.

Captain Brian Murphy, PHC’s CEO said: “We are very pleased to publish our revised Masterplan, our vision for the future. It is an evolving document that we will keep up to date over time to reflect changes in legislation or when new technologies become available. It is for the benefit of stakeholders and has a clear focus on business growth, efficiency, regeneration, community benefit, job creation and sustainability.”

Read our Masterplan document here.