Code of Conduct

Environmental Code of Conduct

While we want all visitors to Poole Harbour to be able to enjoy themselves, we ask that you be considerate and treat the Harbour’s wildlife with care and consideration. We also ask that you observe the following code of conduct while visiting the Harbour:

  • The foreshores of the southern side of the Harbour and the islands in the Harbour are considered private property. Unauthorised landing is prohibited. Permission should be sought from the owner before proceeding.
  • Birds need space in which to feed, roost and, in some cases nest on the foreshores and saltmarshes. Care should be taken not to disturb them, and all children and dogs must be kept under control in these areas.
  • Do not go near birds that are feeding or roosting and avoid disturbing birds that are swimming or feeding in the water.
  • Under no circumstances dispose of rubbish, plastic, oily waste or any other noxious substance in the water or on the foreshore. The impact this can have to such a delicate environment can be extreme and such acts are punishable under harbour bylaws.
  • Please be considerate and keep all noise levels to a bare minimum.
photo of a Oystercatcher in water