If you’re a commercial client looking to transport freight from the UK to mainland Europe, our RORO freight service has you covered. We have conventional RORO freight ferries departing daily courtesy of Brittany Ferries with a crossing time of 4 hours and 15 minutes. As well as facilities to accommodate ferries, we also have a range of tractor units as well as onsite weighbridges.
Tractor Units
To ensure that everything gets where it needs to go, our facilities boast a fleet of Terberg Tugmasters. Each of these tractor units comes equipped with a fifth wheel capacity of 30 tonnes. This makes them more than capable of moving unaccompanied trailers. Gooseneck attachments are also available for Mafi trailer movement.
Import – here at our port facilities, you’ll discover a self-weighing dynamic bridge that is available for all RORO traffic night and day. Readings can be obtained 24/7, and these indicate both gross and axle weights. Precise readings can be obtained with nothing more than a simple push of a button.
Export – for all exports, there’s a fully automated 60-tonne weighbridge provided for all RORO traffic to be weighed prior to shipment.
If you would like to find out more about our RORO freight facilities, call Poole Harbour Commissioners now on 01202 440220.