17 Aug We have a winner!
This month we were delighted to announce the second winner of the PHC Safety Champion scheme.
There is no higher priority for PHC than the safety and well-being of our workforce. We want to encourage, recognise, and reward colleagues who have gone above and beyond their duties, and who innovate and promote safer ways of working.
The PHC ‘Safety Champion scheme’ sees individuals nominated by fellow employees and supervisors. For their outstanding commitment to improving the safety and wellbeing of their co-workers, as well as visitors to the Port. The nominations are collated and a new ‘Safety Champion’ is selected every quarter.
The quarterly award is judged by Safety and Security Manager, Dave Laut who said “When employees go above and beyond to adhere to standards, watch out for one another or suggest improvements, it helps make PHC a better place to work. The Safety Champion’ award is designed to recognise and show appreciation to those employees that want to make a difference”.
Our winner for this quarter is Cameron Moors….
Our thanks and congratulations to Cameron Moors, the winner of this quarter’s PHC Safety Champion Award. When asked whom they would like to nominate, Cameron’s colleagues had no hesitation in putting his name forward. His co-workers all agreed that he consistently gives his all to ensure the safety of himself, and those around him. And that he is conscientious in everything he does, making him a worthy winner.
Commenting on Cameron’s achievement, Dave Laut said ” I was pleased to hear the comments made by his peers and see how well respected Cameron is from my observations. He always strives to work safely and efficiently.”
Well done Cameron!