Launching and landing of all drones is prohibited from land owned by Poole Harbour Commissioners (including Town Quay) without specific written permission from the Harbour Master or Port Security Manager.
The entire harbour is a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), as a result Natural England should also be consulted before flying any drone over the harbour as you may require their consent in addition.
For drones weighing less than 250grams and launching from other areas with landowner permission, drones must remain in line with the Civil Aviation Authority’s latest guidlines. Larger drones must stay in line with tighter restrictions outlined on the same link.
Given the nature of the port’s operations, we request all drones not to fly within 50 metres of manouvering shipping or anywhere directly above the secure Port Estate for both security and safety reasons.
For permission to fly in breach of any of the CAA’s guidelines, fly over the harbour for commercial purposes or to launch/land from PHC land, PHC permission is requried. Guidance from BCP Council relating to public land is available here.
Requests should be directed by email to with at least 5 working days’ notice. Requests should include a a flight plan with details of launching and landing location, routes and heights. Proof of insurance and CAA certification will be required.
Amongst other CAA requirements on the link above, it should be noted that (even if flying for fun) if your drone has a camera or weighs 250g or more then you need to register with the CAA. You need to renew this registration every year. Anyone flying a drone 250g or more needs to pass a test and get a flyer ID from the CAA. If you already have a flyer ID that is still valid, you don’t need to re-do the test until it expires, although you are required to keep up to date with the new regulations. More info at In most cases you must be at least 12 years old to fly a drone on your own. You can fly if you are under 12, but you must be supervised by someone 16 or over and both of you must have passed the flyer ID test.